Creative Kirklees / Events / Sat 30 Jul 2016
THIS SATURDAY ! Musicians Make Sculpture

If you're in Huddersfield town centre this coming Saturday, 30th July, look out for a group of musicians creating textile sculptures as they play. They'll be travelling between New Street, the indoor market, the Pack Horse Centre, Market Square and Byram Arcade.
The project is all about celebrating the heritage and identity of Huddersfield past, present and future.
The artists will be looking at Huddersfield afresh: playing music inspired by the diverse cultural heritage of the town; and as they walk and play they will create sculptures using threads inspired by Huddersfield rich textile heritage.
How will they make these sculptures?
What will they look like and where will they be?
What kind of instruments will they play?
What will the music sound like?
If you're curious, come down to Huddersfield on Saturday between 11am and 3pm to find out more.
Event Location
Huddersfield Town Centre
Various locations:
New Street
The indoor market
The Pack Horse Centre
Market Square
Byram Arcade
The outdoor market
Telephone: 07779 561 807
Email: adele.jackson@kirklees.gov.uk