Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 25 Aug 2016
Teatr Biuro Podrózy: Professional development workshops, Newbury

Teatr Biuro Podrózy: Professional development workshops
Following on from their presentation of their latest piece Silence in Newbury Market Square - commissioned by GDIF and Hull City of Culture and Freedom Festival - the legendary Polish outdoor performance company, Teatr Biuro Podrózy will spend three days teaching the secrets of their craft to UK theatre-makers. Places are limited so let us know as soon as possible if you would be interested. Free accommodation available on a first come first served basis.
- Sun 28 Aug (afternoon) - Convene at 101 Arts – welcome, introductions, briefing, watch tech
- Sun 28 Aug (evening) - Performance. Post-show reception with Teatr Biuro Podróży
- Mon 29 – Wed 31 Aug - Workshops. (further details to follow)
To apply to take part in this project please send a CV and short covering note by email to admin@mslprojects.co.uk (subject TBP workshop) saying why you would like to take up this opportunity and what you would bring to it.
£300/Bursary £150.
A limited number of bursaries are available for UK based artists and practitioners with 3 years professional experience.
Fee does not include meals but limited caravan accommodation is available on site on a first come, first served basis – please enquire in advance.
To find out more go to: http://cornexchangenew.com/learning/info/Outdoor-theatre-making?dm_i=2XTM,ABUI,2AGSP4,ZJ70,1
(Source: Corn Exchange & 101 Outdoor Arts, Newbury)
Opportunity Location
Email: admin@mslprojects.co.uk