Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 05 Aug 2014
Survey published of artists working in participatory settings

Can views of artists help improve the work you do?
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s ArtWorks initiative has just published a survey of almost 1,000 artists working in participatory settings.
The unique survey covers everything from artists’ training needs to perceptions of their work in participatory settings and reveals that:
• 77% of artists are prepared to invest in training and development for themselves. 71% say they believe employers/commissioners should invest more in developing practitioners.
• Artists believe the practice is undervalued in the sector, with 68% saying too many people do not value it as artistic practice. A further 60% say it was not presented as a career option when they were training.
• Most artists feel that employers/commissioners do not always know how to make best use of the expertise and experience of artists.
• 9 out of 10 respondents felt that reflection is crucial to improving their practice. Artists are also very positive about opportunities to engage and reflect with peers about what ‘good practice’ might involve.
Read the survey findings at http://www.artworksphf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ArtWorks-Survey-of-Artists.pdf and join in the conversation via ArtWorks website blog at: http://www.artworksphf.org.uk/news/blog/
ArtWorks is committed to improving support for artists working in participatory settings. We are a Paul Hamlyn Foundation initiative which has received funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Creativity, Culture & Education (through support from Arts Council England) and the Cultural Leadership Programme.
For more information visit http://www.artworksphf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ArtWorks-Survey-of-Artists.pdf