Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 11 Mar 2018
Social action project funding for young people aged 15-24

Go Think Big are offering young people aged 15-24 the opportunity to apply for a Breaking Boundaries grant of up to £500 for an innovative and inspiring social action project that will improve their local community. This funding round aims to coincide with International Women’s Day 2018 on 8th March which is all about #PushForProgress – uniting through friends, colleagues and communities to ignite gender inclusivity. All projects should consider the use of digital including (but not limited to) digital platforms, digital connectivity, digital research or data management. Funded projects could include film, radio, journalism or general media, and focus on using technology to harness the applicants’ creative vision around a big idea that thinks outside the box.
Eligible projects will have a project leader aged 15-24 who lives in the UK, take place within the UK, have an element which benefits your community or young people within it and be realistic. Projects, will need to be completed within 6 months and be achievable within a £500 budget. The closing date is Sunday 11th March 2018. Find out more by following the link below:
For more information visit https://gothinkbig.co.uk/opportunities/youth-project-2018-ready-2