Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 20 Dec 2016
Sign up and skill up with #techgoals: CPD events

The #techgoals campaign is here to help teachers and students in the Leeds City Region learn new skills and do amazing things. A Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership programme, it’s designed to enhance the teaching and learning of digital skills in classrooms across the region.
The programme is available to both primary and secondary school teachers, and includes exciting curriculum resources, CPD events and activities, and a region-wide competition.
Teachers can apply for an account to the free resources on www.lcrtechgoals.com by emailing helpdesk@techfuture.com, providing their full name (first and surname) and their school name and postcode. Use #techgoals registration in the email subject field.
#techgoals CPD events with cover reimbursed – register now
Registration is now open for the two #techgoals CPD events, to be held on:
o Wednesday 8 Feb at The Principal Hotel, York
o Thursday 9 Feb hosted by AQL at Salem Chapel, Leeds
These events are free to attend and cover will be reimbursed.
Each CPD day runs 10.30AM to 3.30PM, and gives teachers the opportunity to
- Gain industry insight from local tech employers
- explore the #techgoals resources
- find out how to enhance classroom practice
- share with and learn from other teachers.
Space is limited so sign up now. Visit www.lcrtechgoals.com for full details.
For more information visit http://www.lcrtechgoals.com/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.lcrtechgoals.com/