Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 10 Nov 2020
Share your views on new Huddersfield Art Gallery & Musuem

Kirklees Museums would like to hear your views on what you would like to see in a new museum and art gallery for Huddersfield in a new survey available until Monday 7 December 2020 (link to survey below).
A new museum and gallery will be a major part of the town’s regeneration, as set out in the Huddersfield Blueprint published last year. In order to start planning, Kirklees Museums are inviting everyone to share their views on what would encourage them to visit. They would like to hear from regular museum visitors and people who have never been to a local museum before. The survey is part of a wider public engagement programme being carried out by the museums and galleries team, working with specialist museum consultants.
The questions being asked cover the following themes:
What would encourage you to visit a new museum and gallery?
What stories from our history, heritage and culture should be told?
What facilities would make it a fantastic place to visit?
What is special about Huddersfield and how can we show the world who we are?
See the link to the survey below. Deadline to respond: Monday 7 December 2020
For more information visit https://wh.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=159790928866