Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 30 May 2018

Screen Yorkshire has welcomed today’s news that two Yorkshire locations are now through to the next round of Channel 4’s pitch process to host its National HQ and Creative Hub. At lunchtime today, Channel 4 announced that the Leeds City Region has been shortlisted to bid for its National Headquarters (the only location east of the Pennines to have made it) and one of two Creative Hubs; additionally Sheffield has been shortlisted to bid for a Creative Hub.
Sally Joynson, Chief Executive, Screen Yorkshire said: “We are delighted that Channel 4 has shortlisted both Leeds City Region and Sheffield as potential hosts for its National HQ and Creative Hubs respectively. As Yorkshire locations on the east of the Pennines, we firmly believe they each have dynamic creative sectors that can both support Channel 4’s strategic plans and better reflect the rich diversity of voices the UK. We are looking forward to continuing our work with the Leeds City Region on the next stage of the selection process, where we can showcase the wealth of programme-making, digital expertise and talent that is located here.”
Screen Yorkshire has played a pivotal role, along with other industry partners, in putting together the Leeds City Region bid, since Channel 4 invited cities and regions to pitch for its National HQ and two Creative Hubs in April.
From the initial 30+ submissions, the Leeds City Region is now one of only seven bidders to have been invited to the second stage of the process for Channel 4’s National HQ. They will present their bid to Channel 4 over the next few months and participate in a Q&A session, before the broadcaster makes its final decision on a location for its National HQ in October.