Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 30 Jun 2015
Run A Club: new source of info & advice for community groups

Run A Club is a new source of information and advice for community groups, provided by Kirklees Council. Run A Club offers step by step interactive guidance on all aspects of setting up and running a club or activity effectively and safely through a website.
This includes:
• Managing money, developing policies, marketing, recruiting and training volunteer and more.
• There are how to guides and templates.
• It also offers a central place to store membership records and other documents, a club calendar and a webpage to promote your group.
• Support and advice including a telephone helpline on all aspects of running a community organisation
A limited number of free licences being made available for Run A Club. Priority will be given to newer groups, those that need support to improve management, and groups that are entirely volunteer run, not with paid staff. You will need to know how to use a computer and have internet access, but the website is easy to use (and support is available if needed), and to have at least 3 members agree to use the system. The free licence is until March 2017, after which you will have to pay a fee direct to Run A Club if you want to continue to use it.
If you or group members want to know a bit more, then have a look at the website and introductory video.
For more information visit http://www.runaclub.com/
Opportunity Location
Email: funding@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://www.runaclub.com/