Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 31 Aug 2016
Request for cultural case studies regarding place-making

cCLOA are working with Local Government Association (LGA) to compile case studies that will share best practice and help Local Authority senior decision makers understand their role in driving forward the Place-making agenda. With the Culture White Paper and the Great Place Scheme there has never been a more opportune time to build on the appreciation and understanding of the contribution that culture makes to creating prosperous, healthier, stronger and happier communities.
cCLOA are inviting short case studies around the following themes: Belonging, Austerity, Partnership and Digital. The selected case studies will be compiled into an online publication and the key learning points summarised. They are inviting short case studies using the attached template around the following themes:
• Belonging - our sector’s role in helping people identify with their ‘place’
• Austerity - at a time of diminishing public investment, what new approaches is our sector adopting to ensure and how best can our sector genuine effective contribution to the place making agenda
• Partnership - how we can galvanise public, private and community organisations to work together to ensure towns/cities/rural communities are vibrant and attractive places in which to work, live and visit
• Digital - what place means for culture as people and businesses shift from ‘bricks’ to ‘clicks’
The selected case studies will be compiled into an online publication and the key learning points summarised. You can find out more and download the submissions template from their website. Submissions should be sent to info@cloa.org.uk by September 16th 2016.
For more information visit http://www.cloa.org.uk/
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Website: http://www.cloa.org.uk/