Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 18 Oct 2022
PRS for Music Foundation Open Grants Programme: October deadline

PRS Foundation have many initiatives that provide financial support for the creation, performance, and/or promotion of outstanding music. Please visit their website below to find out what opportunities are appropriate for you.
PRS invest in the future of music by supporting talent development and new music across the UK; enabling songwriters and composers of all backgrounds to realise their potential and reach audiences across the world.
Since March 2000 they have supported over 7,300 new music initiatives to the tune of over £35 million. They do this through open grant schemes which are available to musicians and organisations and partnership programmes which they lead in response to specific needs and gaps in funding.
Because of their specialist knowledge of the music sector, their support is seen as an indication of quality and innovation. They are also proud to be widely respected as an adventurous, and straightforward organisation and to have established a strong track record as funder of a broad range of activity – from unsigned band showcases and professional development programmes to music commissions and composer residencies.
For more information visit http://www.prsformusicfoundation.com/funding/the-open-fund/the-open-fund-for-organisations/