Creative Kirklees / Events / Wed 08 Nov 2017
Project Griffin session - Weds 8th Nov - FREE

In light of recent events it is key that staff and event organisers are prepared for the eventuality of being caught up in a terrorist attack and how to spot the signs of attack planning.
Project Griffin is the national counter terrorism awareness initiative for business produced by NaCTSO to protect our cities and communities from the threat of terrorism. You may have heard the recent radio adverts and news stories around the national “ACT” campaign… this is our way of meeting the needs of that campaign. The aim of Project Griffin is to engage, encourage and enable members of the community to work in partnership with Police to deter, detect any counter terrorist activity and crime.
This session is being delivered by Kirklees Council’s Emergency Planning Team on behalf of the North East Counter Terrorism Unit. The session is FREE of charge and will last 2-3 hours.
Learn how to keep yourself and others safe; provide intelligence that may prevent a situation from occurring whereby protecting your local communities.
For more information and to book your place go to:
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/project-griffin-tickets-35566695945?aff=es2
Event Location
Hudawi Centre
Great Northern Street
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/project-griffin-tickets-35566695945?aff=es2