Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 01 Jun 2018
Producer/Project Manager - Batley & Spen Youth Theatre Co.

Batley & Spen Youth Theatre Company Ltd is seeking to appoint a Producer/Project Manager on a fixed term freelance contract for around 3 months to run the company’s 2018 summer project – Deeds Not Words.
The Summer School project will be focussed around leaders in arts education and professional theatre imparting skills sessions to a group of around 80 -100 young people across a fortnight in the summer holidays, within the constituency of Batley & Spen. There will be a platform performance of the work created at a theatre venue within the area on the final days of the project.
Please find below more details about the project, and a job description which gives details on how to make an application, and for further information, please contact Donna Munday at Batley & Spen Youth Theatre Company Ltd at the email address below.
Project Information
Job Description
Opportunity Location
Email: donnajmunday@googlemail.com