Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 04 Feb 2020
Postcode Community Trust’s Community Grants – Round 1

Applications will be accepted from across Great Britain for two weeks only, starting from 21 January 2020.
Grassroots organisations, local charities and non-profit community businesses that are seeking to effect positive change within their local area in England, Scotland and Wales can take the first step in the application process by submitting an online expression of interest.
The funding is for new projects, or significant expansions of existing projects, in Great Britain. The projects can be up to 12 months in length.
In 2020, the Trust will consider projects which relate to:
Improving community health and wellbeing
Increasing participation in arts and physical recreation
Reducing isolation
It is likely that projects will be able to relate to multiple theme, and applicants should choose the theme that is most closely related to the intended outcome of their project.
Grants range from £500 to £20,000. Only registered charities can apply for grants of up to £20,000. The maximum grant for groups that are not formally registered as a charity is £2,000.
There is a two-stage application process.
Stage one applications will be accepted from 21 January to 4 February 2020.
Please see link below for more information.
For more information visit https://www.postcodecommunitytrust.org.uk/apply-for-a-grant/