Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 04 Nov 2014
Phase 2 of Kirklees Council's budget consultation open

Balancing the books? Public consultation - Phase 2
Kirklees Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) - our “Budget Book” - covers the budget for 2015-18. It sets out the huge financial savings we need to make and options for achieving these budget reductions.
In September, the council asked some big questions about the budget – council tax, selling assets, new developments of housing and business premises in Kirklees and our three bold ideas. Thank you if you took part – over 1,600 people gave their views.
Kirklees Council has now started its second phase of consultation on the council’s budget. The aim of this phase is to gather views on some of the specific budget options and ideas that will help to balance the books.
You can find out more about Phase 2 of the budget consultation and how to take part at www.kirklees.gov.uk/budget2015
You will see that there are questions related to the future provision of and support for the arts and events and other cultural sectors such as libraries and museums and galleries. If the present budget proposals are approved by elected members, there will be a significant decrease in investment in arts and culture in Kirklees.
If you feel strongly either in favour of or against these proposals, please take the time to get involved and let others know that this consultation is happening too – we’d like as many people as possible to take part and share their views. We would also welcome ideas about how we can strengthen the cultural offer in Kirklees whilst recognising that savings must be made.
You can complete the survey any time up to Friday 5th December 2014 by completing the online feedback form (taking part online saves the council time and money).
This consultation, along with the feedback from the first phase, will be used to help inform elected members when they come to take difficult decisions about the budget early next year. The final budget will be set at the Council meeting on 18th February 2015.
If you have any queries, please contact consultation@kirklees.gov.uk or contact the Creative Economy Team via arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
For more information visit http://kirklees.gov.uk/you-kmc/deliveringServices/budget2015.aspx
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Website: http://kirklees.gov.uk/you-kmc/deliveringServices/budget2015.aspx