Creative Kirklees / Events / Wed 03 Feb 2016
PEOPLE · MAKE · PLACES: Business Driving Culture

PEOPLE · MAKE · PLACES is a series of events to simulate thinking, ideas and debate and inspire action to drive cultural and creative development in Kirklees. Guest speakers will present examples of initiatives which are enabling culturally meaningful places to flourish elsewhere in the UK. Themed facilitated discussions will explore the role of culture in the context of developing healthy, economically vibrant, thriving places and people.
This second event, BUSINESS DRIVING CULTURE, is an opportunity to explore and discuss how business can play a role in the creative and cultural life of a place.
Wednesday 3 February 2016, 6:00 – 8:30pm at Café Ollo, The Media Centre, Northumberland Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1RL
BUSINESS DRIVING CULTURE will feature presentations from regional and local design agencies: Nick Bax, Director of Humanstudio (www.humanstudio.com) and Darren Evans, Design Director at The Engine Room (www.engineroomdesign.com). The event will be Chaired by James Devitt, University of Huddersfield, Research and Enterprise Team.
The evening will look at case studies of how creative industries and business have taken a leading role in delivering and promoting creative interventions, engagement projects and cultural development activities. Exploring questions such as, what significance does this have for evolving towns like Huddersfield and what are the conditions required to support business as a cultural driver?
Who is it for?
People passionate about developing creative and culturally vibrant places
People who to want to engage with ideas and the possibilities of culture-led development
Decision makers, influencers and businesses, planners and policy makers
People who are involved in making things happen
Why take part?
To engage in current thinking and practice in culture-driven place-making
To make new contacts and connect with peers who share your interests and passions
To nourish your imagination
For more information visit http://peoplemakeplaces-businessdrivingculture.eventbrite.co.uk/
Event Location
Café Ollo,
The Media Centre
Northumberland Street
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://peoplemakeplaces-businessdrivingculture.eventbrite.co.uk/