Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 03 Jun 2016
Open Call out for FLESH - artists or performers

Are you an artist or performer that thrives in performing at alternative venues? FLESH are on the look-out for exciting new performance work for their next event on Friday 8th July in Hull.
The work can be from any aspect of live performance. This might include (but is not limited to) performance / live-art, dance, cabaret, circus,spoken word etc.
They're also interested in work that defies categorisation blurs art forms and questions relationships between audience and performer, with specific reference to a pub environment - working men’s’ clubs, pubs, and their capacity for live entertainment. The piece has to be low in tech and no longer then 10 minutes max.
Contact: fleshhull@gmail.com for the full brief and application. Deadline is: Friday 3rd June 2016
Opportunity Location
Email: fleshhull@gmail.com