Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 09 Dec 2020
Newcastle University Research into Greening Events

Newcastle University are undertaking research into greening events & the use of alternative power supplies and are looking for event organisers to to assist them with this research.
Have you participated in or conducted any level of study regarding transitioning the powering of events to cleaner sources ?
If yes, what is the extent of this work, what was your approach/ methodology and what were your findings ?
Here are some specific pointers to give an idea of the kind of details they are interested in:
• How did you estimate energy load profiles of the events in order to size energy provision ?
• Do you know of any useful tools for this type of estimation or are able to give any specific information of your particular events energy usage.
• What types of energy provision did you consider; was this some sort of connection to an existing network or perhaps this involved the use of energy storage or cleaner generators (e.g. Hydrogen).
• Did the low carbon solution explore wider future needs in the city/ town i.e. EV charging or electric outdoor heating?
If you would like to help them out with this research, please make contact Alison Beatie email