Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 04 Jun 2021
Micro-commissions: Ilkley Literature Festival

Ilkley Literature Festival is the longest-running literature festival in the North of England. Their 2021 Autumn programme will be a hybrid of digital and live ‘in person’ events, with the majority of activities taking place during their main festival period, 1-17 October.
They are looking for applications from writers (or collaborations between writers and artists working in other artforms) for small scale digital projects responding to one of this year’s programme themes.
Their micro-commissions aim to:
showcase new work by emerging/ mid-career writers based in the North of England (Yorkshire, North East and North West). They particularly want to hear from writers from backgrounds currently under-represented in literature and publishing;
encourage writers to collaborate across artforms with other artists – dancers, musicians, film makers, visual artists, actors, etc. – to create new work;
reach new audiences and increase access to new writing for people from a diverse range of backgrounds.
There are 6 micro-commissions of £250 each available. Successful applicants will present an imaginative proposal to create an original work that:
can be accessed by audiences digitally in its finished format;
responds to their 2021 programme theme of ‘Unreliable Narratives’.
For more information, examples of previous recent micro-commissions and details on how to apply, please visit their website below.
For more information visit https://www.ilkleyliteraturefestival.org.uk/new-writing/micro-commissions