Creative Kirklees / Images
Market Showcase - Henry Morris Felt & Textile Artist

Felt and textile artist, Henry Morris, will be exhibiting his work as part of Temporary Contemporary's Market Showcase in Queensgate Market from Wednesday 31 October to Friday 14 December.
Henry will be using one of the vacant stalls in the market to exhibit his work and will hold daily demonstrations from 12 - 3pm. Henry's designs are all original and handmade using a technique of blending and bonding and fusing natural fibres together using a technique know as felting to create unique designs.
Henry will also be running workshops from 12 - 3pm on Saturday 10 November, Saturday 24 November and Saturday 8 December 2018. Cost: £5 to cover materials. Book on the workshop by contacting Henry Morris Email: henrymorris36@gmail.com or Tel: 07931 000546.
For more information visit http://bit.ly/HenryMorris
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Website: http://bit.ly/HenryMorris