Do you work with groups which are making music which is not Classical? An African drumming group, a gamelan group, a gospel choir? Do you work with community leaders or representatives with links to these groups? If so, Making Music need your help!
Making Music are leading a research project to find and connect with leisure-time music making groups . Through their research they want to learn much more about groups making all kinds of music all across the UK. The aim is that in the future this knowledge will enable them to be able to support a much broader range of leisure-time music activity in Britain.
Can you help? If so, please contact Najia Bagi for further information: najia@makingmusic.org.uk or tel: 020 7939 6030.
For more information visit https://www.makingmusic.org.uk/
News Location
Telephone: 020 7939 6030
Email: najia@makingmusic.org.uk
Website: https://www.makingmusic.org.uk/