Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 18 Mar 2015
Join Arts Development:UK & see the benefits

Have you heard about Arts Development: UK (or AD:UK for short)?
It is a national membership organisation for arts development professionals working in local authorities, arts organisations and as individual practitioners. It’s one of the largest national organisations representing the interests of those working in arts development for local communities.
Organisational membership is open to all cultural organisations and local authorities (including organisations providing a contracted out local authority arts service) in the UK. AD:UK also offers personal membership to a growing number of individual consultants and artists and others working in related cultural professions.
Why not join and you can benefit from meeting other arts organisations, arts development professionals and practitioners?
The next meeting in the North is on 13th May in Manchester and non-members are being invited as a one-off. This is a great opportunity to find out more and make new connections across the north. Hold the date and we’ll let you know more details soon.
You can read more about AD:UK membership here http://bit.ly/1xxzHzT or on the website.
For more information visit http://www.artsdevelopmentuk.org/
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Website: http://www.artsdevelopmentuk.org/