Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 03 Jun 2019
IVE Inclusion and Diversity Labs 2019

IVE invite representatives from arts and cultural organisations to this course of Inclusion and Diversity Labs run by IVE Associate, Sophie Hunter. The first session will also include input from diversity and trainer and senior producer at Unlimited Impact, Jo Verrent.
From March 2018, Arts Council England regularly funded organisations are required to implement the Creative Case for Diversity, to put diversity at the heart of the decisions taken about artists commissioned and employed and the programmes presented. Drawing on the peer support format developed through the highly successful Quality Principles Programme, IVE are now offering Diversity and Inclusion Labs (since autumn 2017). The idea of these are to provide new space for small groups of arts and cultural organisations to come together, with structured support, to get to grips with the Creative Case for Diversity, and explore ways that inclusion and diversity are approached in their respective organisations. It is required to be a space where people can have open and honest conversations, share experiences and learn together. You will be supported to explore diversity in the work you do with, by and for children and young people in a way that is both relevant to you and sustainable for your organisation.
This is a great opportunity to come together with other arts and cultural representatives to explore ways of how inclusion and diversity are approached within their respective organisations, and learn how to get to grips with the Creative Case for Diversity. You will also explore diversity in the work you do, focus on two of the Equality Commission’s protected characteristics and discover your unconscious biases in a safe space, learning about how you can make a difference, and your attitudes to differing viewpoints.
The course is divided into three different days: Monday 3 June, Friday 21 June and Wednesday 17 July and the cost is £200, for more information please visit the link below.