Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 16 Nov 2020
It’s Crossed Finger Selfie time – please join in on 19 November

National Lottery players generate over £30 million for good causes every week.
The Arts Council are hoping you’ll help them to say a massive #ThanksToYou to National Lottery players for funding amazing arts, museums and libraries activity across the country!
Together, thousands of people will post crossed finger selfies on Thursday 19th November 2020 to say a massive collective thank you to the National Lottery players for their colossal contribution to good causes across the UK, and you’re invited to take part.
How to get involved:
Take your crossed finger selfie. Get creative with it! Use props, go outside and ask anyone you’re working with to join you in the picture (at a safe social distance). This can include volunteers, supporters, staff or service users. Please make sure you respect social distancing rules when you take your selfie!
Share on social media with the hashtags
When you share your selfie on Thursday, remember to include a message about how National Lottery players have helped you with your work, and say thank you to National Lottery players using the hashtags #ThanksToYou and #NationalLottery.
For more information, please visit the website below.
For more information visit https://www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk/its-crossed-finger-selfie-time