Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 25 Nov 2014
Interesting new organisation for the creative sector

The Creative Industries Federation is the new independent voice of the UK's arts, cultural and creative industries. This is an interesting new initiative that aims to bring together the public and private sector, across all parts of the country, from the largest multinational to the smallest start-up, from television to computer games, from music to design, from architecture to visual arts. This is a radical and practical project to challenge the status quo and Britain's global performance, to increase access and diversity and - for the first time - provide a single and independent voice for Britain's fastest-growing sector.
The Creative Industries Federation is planning a series of road shows up and down the whole of the UK with the aim to identify the challenges and opportunities you face and let this inform their work.
Take a look at the website and sign up for their newsletter to keep in touch with what the organisation has planned.
For more information visit http://www.creativeindustriesfederation.com/