Creative Kirklees / News / Thu 26 May 2016
Inquiry aims to grow the civic role of the arts

Arts organisations are being invited to get involved in an inquiry, launched by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, into how arts organisations contribute to their communities. Project partners include the Institute of Cultural Capital, What Next? and the RSA. An inquiry into the role arts organisations should play in promoting civic engagement and revitalising communities has been launched by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Arts organisations are being invited to contribute to the inquiry, which the Foundation hopes will help realise the full potential of the role of the arts in communities and across society. It aims to develop an understanding of what constitutes ‘next practice’ and seed a network for future activity. There will be three phases of the inquiry:
• Identifying what is meant by the civic role of arts organisations by seeking out inspiring examples, interviewing key influencers and surveying arts organisations.
• Delving deeper into key examples to identify ways the sector can change what it does.
• Developing a blueprint to grow the civic role of the arts across communities.
To take part in the inquiry, visit civicroleartsinquiry.gulbenkian.org.uk.
For more information visit http://civicroleartsinquiry.gulbenkian.org.uk/?mc_cid=40e646ac1c&mc_eid=87072c426b