Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 29 Jun 2016

How much do you know about Comoodle?

How much do you know about Comoodle?

Can you spare an afternoon to join Camoodle for one of two fun, creative workshops on either:

•Tuesday, 5 July at The Media Centre or
•Thursday, 7 July at Dewsbury Town Hall

Whether you've only just found out about Comoodle or you've been interested in the project since the beginning, the Camoodle team need your help to design their new web platform.

All you need to bring is an open mind, so you can be inspired and help shape the new Comoodle website with your ideas and thinking. There will be no technology involved whatsoever, so please don't think you need to be IT savvy to come along!

Book on at

What is Comoodle?

Camoodle is a project to help to create a strong culture of sharing in Kirklees, so we can help each other to do good things in our communities. This means making the best use of our stuff, space and skills by lending things to each other and by sharing what we know.

Kirklees Council are sharing stuff, space and skills through Comoodle – and local organisations are getting involved by sharing too. But it will only work if we all have a good understanding of what we can offer each other, and what we need to get good things done. So it will only work if you are part of it.

For more information visit

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