Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 05 Jun 2018
How Does Art Improve Lives? Have you got a story to share?

IVE are in the process of producing a series of videos that talk about the transformative power of the arts on young people’s lives.
They're hoping to talk to adults or young people who can point to an intervention point in their past when an arts or cultural experience had a positive impact on their life.
Maybe they were too shy to talk but dance gave them the confidence to express themselves?
Maybe they come from a poor family but art taught them a skill which has turned into a career?
Maybe drama helped them overcome bullying and accept their sexual or gender identity?
They’re particularly interested in stories from BAME people or other protected groups (e.g. LGBTQ+, disability).
If you have a story to share, or know someone who might, they'd love to hear it! Please email Adam from IVE at the email address below with an idea of what your story is and they'll be in touch to discuss potentially filming you tell that story.
What are they using these videos for? They'll be shared on their website and social media channels but mostly they'll be used to demonstrate to potential funders the value of arts education. The funding they are hoping to obtain will be used to run a series of talent development programmes under the collective title “Shaping Creative Futures" (see link below). The shape these will take varies, some will be done as mentoring projects, others as workshops and others as apprenticeships but they’re all structured around improving the employability of young people (particularly disadvantaged young people) through creative activities and art and providing routes into the creative industry.
Shaping Creative Futures will be delivered using partner arts organisations too so the process of finding these stories is also doubling up as helping them identify people to work with on this programme.
For more information visit https://weareive.org/talent-development-programme/?utm_source=IVE+GDPR+Compliant+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=63a30db4ff-Children%27s+Art+Week&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1c8b07e63a-63a30db4ff-130836817&mc_cid=63a30db4ff&mc_eid=24eb8fff62