Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 Dec 2015
Higher Level Apprenticeship Grant Scheme

Kirklees Council has made it easier for you to employ the talent that you need to grow your business with a local bespoke Higher Level Apprenticeship Grant Scheme financial offer for small to medium sized employers in the Kirklees District. This is a package available to enhance the LEP AGE Grant for organisations who are wishing to recruit a Higher Level Apprentice.
• The Grant will be available from September 2015. Funding is limited and allocations will be made on a first come, first served basis.
• You can receive a Grant of up to £1,200 for each Higher Level Apprentice aged 16 - 24 employed, up to a maximum of three apprentices
• Your business must be Kirklees based and you must employ 250 people or less
• You should not have previously recruited a Higher Level Apprentice – this must be a newly created apprenticeship
• You will work with training providers, approved by the Skills Funding Agency, who will deliver the appropriate qualification frameworks to your Higher Level Apprentice
• You will be required to pay the Higher Level Apprentice the National Minimum Wage for their age
• You will be required to submit case studies from a business and apprentice perspective
• The Grant will be administered by Kirklees Council
How do I apply?
Download and complete the application form at www.kirklees.gov.uk/higherapprenticeships
There is no formal deadline but the funding is only for 2015-16 and grants will be given out on a first-come-first served basis, so the sooner you apply the better.
For more information visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/higherapprenticeships