Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 10 Oct 2021
Heritage Action Plan Consultant - Bradford Council

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CMBDC) is looking to engage a consultant/team to develop a Heritage Action Plan, with funding from The National Heritage Lottery Fund.
Bradford's new Cultural Strategy for 2021-2031, Culture is Our Plan, throughout which heritage is woven, reflects the high value placed by people in the district on heritage and the power of telling stories.
Bradford is rich in heritage: some of it is physical, tangible; unique, community and intangible heritage; a living, diverse cultural sector that tells our stories; and a vibrant, diverse cultural sector that will help us interpret heritage through a contemporary lens.
They need to make sure that as their district grows and develops, the intersections between built and intangible heritage, their heritage and cultural practitioners, and the people of Bradford are considered.
Funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund gives us the opportunity to create a Heritage Action Plan. This will identify current activity and links between initiatives, resources and strengths, and gaps and opportunities to fill them, in a very practical way. It will identify priorities and a timeline for action/ fundraising/ partnerships, and new things to test with the culture and heritage sector and the people of Bradford.
They’re looking for a Heritage Action Plan Consultant to help them do this.
Community consultation, working with an artist in residence; consultation and partnerships with heritage professionals, culture professionals and those in other relevant sectors (eg HE, Health, Schools); identification and development of strategic opportunities and partnerships across Council departments and work streams, between the Council and external partners, and between external agencies in the public, private and third sector, to create a plan that will bring coherence and impact for heritage activities in the district; commissioning work, eg research, and developing briefs for tenders; horizon scanning for funding opportunities; report writing and bid writing
You will need to demonstrate experience in the heritage sector, strategic planning experience, consultation, partnership development and stakeholder relationship skills, an understanding of the challenges that face the heritage sector in cities outside London and major cities, and their wider districts, and experience and knowledge of Bradford.
They expect the work to begin in November 2021 and conclude, with a final report, at the end of February 2022.
There is a fixed fee of £10,000.
Closing date: Sunday 10th October, 5pm 2021
For enquiries, and to obtain a copy of the consultancy brief, contact Karen Lewis: karen.lewis@bradford.gov.uk
For more information visit https://www.bradford.gov.uk/arts-and-culture/national-lottery-heritage-fund-project/national-lottery-heritage-fund-project/