Creative Kirklees / News / Fri 24 May 2019
Help to shape a world class future for music in Kirklees

Do you write, make, perform or present music? Do you work in music, teach music, manage a venue, a band, a festival or a label? However you’re involved, we’d like to hear your voice.
Join the discussion about how we can build a world-class music offer that contributes to the identity, economy and communities of Kirklees - and let us know how you could be part of the Year of Music celebrations in 2023.
Consultation sessions are taking place on:
11th June at the University of Huddersfield, Oastler Building, room OA7/31, 9am - 1.15pm
18th June at Dewsbury Town Hall, 9am - 1.15pm
Register to attend:
Huddersfield: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/world-class-music-in-kirklees-consultation-session-huddersfield-tickets-62039231010
Dewsbury: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/world-class-music-in-kirklees-consultation-session-dewsbury-tickets-62320678828
If you can’t make it to one of the sessions, you can still take part by completing an online survey at https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=155855714520
The aim of the consultation sessions is to gather information, ideas and insights from a wide range of individuals, groups and organisations working across the whole music spectrum around the district. Along with updates on some early projects and plans, discussions will be shaped by some of the key themes that have emerged so far, including:
- Building sustainable leadership, strategic partnerships and a focus for advocacy for the music sector in Kirklees
- Creating and managing active and engaged music networks and communities
- Developing a strong and safe night time economy
- Enhancing Kirklees tourism offer and attracting visitors through festivals and music events
- Ensuring that Kirklees has a world class music education provision that’s widely accessible to all ages
- Putting music at the heart of the wellbeing of our communities
- Creating the tools and platforms to communicate Kirklees’ music offer to the world
- Establishing a strong sense of place through our music
We’d also like to hear about how you could get involved in the Year of Music 2023 planned to take place across the whole district, coinciding with the City of Culture events in the Leeds City Region.
Commenting on the consultations, Councillor Graham Turner, Cabinet member for Corporate Strategy, Cultural Policy and Asset Strategy, said: “Following on from some early projects and research into Kirklees’ music ecology and infrastructure, we now want to hear from as many people and organisations involved in music throughout the district to help us design and deliver a world class music offer, it’s important that our existing and new partners all work together to ensure we make Kirklees the place for music I know it can and will be, ready for our year of music in 2023.
As well as shaping the future of creating, presenting, teaching and working in music, we also want to enhance the role that music plays in people’s lives, leisure and wellbeing.
With Year of Music 2023 as an additional focal point, this is an exciting time for both celebrating the rich music heritage of Kirklees and working together for a bright future.”