Are you a Brass Band? Do you know about Brass Bands England? Brass Bands England works to encourage, support and promote:
•Bands to be outward focused, to engage with communities and other bands, to share resources and expertise
•Understanding within the wider public, funders, organisations, stakeholders and all strategic partners, of the value of engagement with Brass Bands
•Access to funding and other key areas such as finance, marketing, administration, player development support, marketing, use of digital technologies, along with legislative areas including Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity and more. We deliver workshops focusing on learning, sharing, and collaboration.
•Innovation and engagement with other art forms
•Campaigns benefitting brass groups, for example to attract and reach wider audiences, to gain a broader support base, orto pave the way for creative collaboration
•Use of the website to access up to date information and resources that assist bands to be better informed, well organised and sustainable.
Take a look at Brass Bands England at their website.
For more information visit http://www.brassbandsengland.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.brassbandsengland.co.uk/