Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 26 Nov 2015
Help Create a Picture of the Kirklees Creative Sector

The Creative Economy team recently commissioned a report to try to get a better understanding of the size and scale of the creative sector in Kirklees. Burns Owen Partnerships (BOP) undertook the research comparing the performance of Kirklees to the Leeds City region and the UK (you can read the report at http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/leisure/arts/pdf/CreativeEconomyReport.pdf).
To explore this further we’ve put together a short survey to dig a bit deeper to get an understanding of what the sector actually looks like. If you are a creative business, or you use creativity in your business, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. It will help us to understand the creative sector in Kirklees and to celebrate the success, strength and diversity of a key part of the economy and community. TAKE THE SURVEY NOW at http://bit.ly/1Hu0siI.
The survey should only take a few minutes to complete and please spread it throughout your networks to maximize our reach. The deadline to respond is no later than noon on Thursday 26 November.
With the support of Burns Owen Partnership the information that you provide will enable us to create a report that we can all use to promote and advocate for the creative sector in Kirklees.
Thank you for your time
For information, we knew we had a diverse sector with strong areas but were delighted to see the report’s headline findings:
• Generates over £100 million GVA
• Employs over 5,000 people
• Supports 860 creative SME businesses and VCS organisations and a significant portfolio of micro businesses
• Design is a major economic driver within the creative sector
For more information visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/community/yoursay/creative_kirklees_design_survey.shtml