Creative Kirklees / Events / Wed 16 Mar 2016
Grants for the Arts workshop - Kirklees artists / organisations

Wednesday 16 March, 1.30 - 3.30pm with 1:1 appointments until 4.30pm
Kirklees-based artists & organisations are invited to attend an advice workshop on the Arts Council England's Grants for the Arts funding programme. Booking is essential as places are limited.
As part of Arts Council England's programme of general advice and support, this 2 hour session will include a presentation and Q&A, delivered in partnership with Kirklees Council's Creative Economy Team.
The workshop will focus on Arts Council England's 'Grants for the Arts' open-access funding programme and is aimed at individuals and organisations interested in applying for funding to Grants for the Arts. The session will provide general information to attendees looking to apply to G4A with the focus of the presentation being to;
Introduce Grants for the Arts
Offer specific information on eligibility
Provide updated information on how to apply.
Provide opportunity for questions and answers with Arts Council Staff
This session is offered with a limited capacity of 30 and places are reserved on a first come first served basis. BOOK AT THE EVENTBRITE LINK BELOW.
In addition, there will be an opportunity for networking and a limited number (6) of timed 1:1 sessions are available for informal conversation and advice with Arts Council England staff. There a two places available for each of the following time slots;
3.30pm to 3.50pm
3.50pm to 4.10pm
4.10pm to 4.30pm
If you wish to book a 1:1 slot, please email your request to arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk. The slots will be booked on a first come first served basis.
For more information visit http://g4a-kirklees.eventbrite.co.uk/
Event Location
Dewsbury Town Hall
Wakefield Old Road
West Yorkshire
WF12 8DG
Telephone: 01484 414 824
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://g4a-kirklees.eventbrite.co.uk/