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Globe Arts Slaithwaite - Fused Glass Classes (Sept)

Learn the basic and advanced techniques of fused glass making, or develop your skills further in our term time evening class - perfect to experiment and create your own small project pieces. You will learn a variety of fusing methods and materials including frits, confetti, stringer and inclusions.
Suitable for beginners and those with more fused glass experience, and includes all tuition, equipment, materials (significant glass stock included with the option to purchase additional glass if needed for large projects).
Dates/Time: Beginner/Intermediate Mondays 1.30pm to 3pm & Wed 6.30pm to 8pm; Advanced Mondays 6.30pm to 8pm runs for 6 weeks from 9th Sept (classes continue throughout the year)
Cost: £20 per session
For more information visit http://www.globearts.org.uk/
For more information visit http://bit.ly/globeartsfusedglass
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Website: http://bit.ly/globeartsfusedglass