Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 30 Sep 2015
Get the Creative Kirklees iframe on your website

Did you know you can add an iframe for Creative Kirklees to your website? You can choose which section the iframe shows, but the most obvious one to use is the What's On section, giving you an ever changing display of events for your visitors to see when on your website.
Take a look at Globe Arts Education's website - they've added a Creative Kirklees iframe alongside their Facebook and Twitter feeds giving their website fresh and current content every day. Go to http://globearts.org.uk and click on Contact Us.
One of our partner sites, Creative Torbay has an iframe on the Torbay Music Hub website and this gives you another example of how they use a live stream of events from the Creative Torbay website to liven up their site http://www.torbaymusichub.co.uk/whats-on.
It's easy to do - just choose the page you want in your iframe (e.g What's On), click on the 'Share on your website' button, bottom left on Creative Kirklees, copy the code and paste it into your HTML on your website. If you don't update your own website, ask your web designer to do it for you.
If you decide to add an iframe to your site let us know and we'll share it in the newsletter and on our social media.
For more information visit http://globearts.org.uk/
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Website: http://globearts.org.uk/