Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 31 Mar 2020
Get involved: an update on the Creative Careers Programme

The Creative Careers Programme is an industry-designed and led initiative to raise awareness of opportunities for work across the creative economy. It was a commitment made by government and industry, made through the Creative Industries Sector Deal with support from the Creative Industries Council, and the Creative Industries Federation, ScreenSkills and Creative & Cultural Skills are the lead delivery partners for the project.The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has provided funding to kick-start the programme.
Through the programme around 2 million young people will be able to access better advice about pursuing a creative career, and leading organisations and individuals from across the creative industries will engage with more than 160,000 school-age students by March 2020.
Creative Industries Federation has put together a full overview of how the programme will take shape as well as how you can get involved. -
For more information visit https://bit.ly/2GgqOJ2
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Website: https://bit.ly/2GgqOJ2