Creative Kirklees / Events / Wed 22 Oct 2014
Fusion: Finding Solutions. Building Partnerships. Driving Change

The Creative Economy Team and the Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) Link Team invite you to this exciting event. We are providing a full day of inspiring case studies, structured workshops and networking opportunities that aim to bring together a whole range of businesses, voluntary and not-for-profit groups and funding organisations to make business connections, promote themselves, share good practice and explore how they can tap into local opportunities and resources.
Date: Wednesday 22 October 2014
Time 10:00am – 4:30pm
Venue: Bates Mill, Huddersfield
Book now to avoid disappointment: https://kirkleesfusion.eventbrite.co.uk
Our key note speaker Becky Black, Director from The Yorkshire Mafia will be discussing how and why the organisation started, its ethos and what has led to its success.
Becky will be joined by presenters from both the Creative and VCS sectors. You will be able to hear first-hand about some of the partnerships these organisations have made, what their future plans are and how they use their work in a variety of sectors to deliver services. We hope that they will challenge pre-conceptions that people may have of the sector and inspire new ways of working.
We also have a musical line up from the brilliant Huddersfield based band Stems.
The event is Free and lunch is provided by Coffee Evolution.
We are extending our event further by offering you an evening of social networking accompanied by a creative showcase of art, fashion and music at The Byram Arcade from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. When you book you will be asked to indicate if you are going to attend the evening networking event at the Byram Arcade.
More info at: http://bit.ly/1pkyFlq
For more information visit https://kirkleesfusion.eventbrite.co.uk/
Event Location
The Loft Space, Bates Mill
Fairfield Mills
Milford Street
Email: funding@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://kirkleesfusion.eventbrite.co.uk/