Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 31 Mar 2020
Funding of up to £60,000 for community centres & village halls

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is offering Community Centres in deprived urban communities and Village Halls in remote and economically deprived rural areas the opportunity to apply for capital grants of between £7,500 and £60,000. Grants can be used to fund new buildings; upgrading, renovating or extending buildings; improving or creating outside space (but not car parks). All applicants must have secured 50% of the total cost of the work and have local community fundraising underway. Grants will be made to projects centred on ‘community centres’ in the broad sense, this may include a church, sports facility or other building which offers a range of activities throughout the week which all the community can access.
It is expected that the completed venue will provide a range of activities for all ages and abilities which help to promote community cohesion and address local problems of isolation, poverty, lack of local facilities, transport and other issues of relevance to the area in which the centre is located. The Foundation is particularly interested in innovative schemes to bring back disused buildings into full community use i.e. as community hubs, shops and activity venues. Traditional Village Halls are also supported. Applications can be submitted at any time and should show that, in urban areas, the venue is in the most deprived 20% of the latest government Indices of Multiple Deprivation or, in rural areas, in the most deprived 50% of the Indices.
Read more below:
For more information visit http://trusthousecharitablefoundation.org.uk/grants/community-centres-and-village-halls/