Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 08 Apr 2016
Fresh Yorkshire Aires: Submit to Online Exhibition

Fresh Yorkshire Aires celebrates the creative and cultural breadth of ‘God’s own county’, showcasing graphic scores and visualisations of sound by artists based in Yorkshire.
Curated by composer and producer Jacob Thompson-Bell, the project brings together an online exhibition with limited edition print publications, live exhibitions and performances in the region by musicians including Matthew Bourne and Philip Thomas.
If you’re an artist or composer making graphic scores or other visual work that relates to sound, you can get involved by submitting your work for inclusion in the online exhibition.
Fresh Yorkshire Aires also want to hear from performers looking for new or unusual graphic scores, and curators seeking work for exhibition or performance.
To Submit to the online exhibition
Anyone based in Yorkshire can submit their work for inclusion in the Fresh Yorkshire Aires online exhibition, and for the chance to be part of limited edition print publications, live exhibitions and performances in the region.
Submissions can be in any medium, provided the piece also relates to sound and can be reproduced as a high quality image(s).
For example, you might be a textile artist submitting photographic reproductions of your work, a composer or illustrator submitting quality scans of your manuscripts, or a digital artist submitting GIFs or JPEGs for review. The online exhibition will keep growing as more work gets submitted.
For more information visit https://freshyorkshireaires.wordpress.com/get-involved/