Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 11 Jan 2016
Freelance Practitioners Opportunities, Stephen Joseph Theatre

Stephen Joseph Theatre’s OutReach team are looking to extend their pool of freelance practitioners as project opportunities arise over the course of the next two years.
They are looking for freelance practitioners to cover various areas of work. There are three main strands:
•Working within formal education.
Experienced Drama, Music and Dance Practitioners to work with:
Children and young people (nursery to university age)
Teachers (eg. training sessions)
•Specific Skills
Experienced practitioners to work with cross generational groups (0 – 100!) Areas could include:
Stage Fighting
Technical Theatre
Drumming (Music)
Shadow work
Sound Production
Circus Skills
•Working within the community.
Experienced Drama, Dance and Music Practitioners to work with cross generational groups on various project opportunities.
Interested? Send a covering letter and CV (no more than two pages each) including details of recent experience and why you are interested in working with SJT OutReach and details of which strands and opportunities you are interested in, to to Lynn Cloete, OutReach Administrator at lynn.cloete@sjt.uk.com.
You'll get a response by Fri 15thJan and those that have been shortlisted will be invited to a workshop day followed by an informal interview.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to facilitate a workshop session (20-30mins) followed by an informal conversation (20-30 mins).
The two workshop/interview dates are:
Thurs 28th Jan AM to work with young people
Fri 29th Jan AM to work with adults
The deadline for applications is Mon 11th Jan 2016.
For more information visit http://www.sjt.uk.com/
Opportunity Location
Stephen Joseph Theatre
YO11 1JW
Email: lynn.cloete@sjt.uk.com
Website: http://www.sjt.uk.com/