Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 24 Jun 2016
Free webinar about the National Fundraising School

Ever wondered what it's like to attend the National Fundraising School? Wondering whether to book on their next course in November?
You can find out more at a free webinar with Bernard Ross from the Management Centre on Thursday 7 July 3-4pm and find out what it’s like to attend the National Arts Fundraising School and how you’ll benefit.
The webinar will start with a Q&A session, then share some tips on a key aspect of successful fundraising – building a robust case for support.
Register your interest by emailing your name, job title and organisation name to Anna Esslemont at a.esslemont@managementcentre.co.uk before 24 June and we’ll send you a free download on cases for support. We’ll tell you how to join closer to the event.
For more information visit http://www.nationalartsfundraisingschool.com/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 020 7978 1516
Email: a.esslemont@managementcentre.co.uk
Website: http://www.nationalartsfundraisingschool.com/