Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 01 Oct 2019
First Call for Projects to develop Yorkshire & Humber

XR Stories, the new R&D partnership for the Yorkshire and Humber screen industries has announced the structure for its new research and development funding programme and a first open call for funding projects to grow the Yorkshire and Humber screen economy and boost its contribution to the UK’s creative sector. XR Stories is one of the nine partnerships supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and forms part of the Creative Industries Cluster Research and Development Programme, a core pillar in the Government’s Industrial Strategy.
The XR stories Collaborative R&D Fund with £4 million as partnership investment will support SMEs collaborating with researchers R&D challenges; provide flexible academic researcher support; internship support for students working with XR Stories partner companies; academic and industry work placements; and studentship funding for longer PhD or Masters by Research projects. As partnership investment the Fund will help level a total investment of £15 million across the region.
As part of the fund, the first open call targets small, R&D projects which can access £5k -£30k to explore a number of challenge areas: narrative experiences for the second screen; storytelling in VR; interactive and immersive story worlds; interactive and responsive narratives; tools to deliver narrative; and data and Al to shape narrative content creation and delivery.
You can meet the team at either of these roadshows:
Leeds, Monday 8 July 2pm – 4pm: http://bit.ly/2LEFFjp
Sheffield, Thursday 11 July 9:30am – 2pm: http://bit.ly/2xz9vNK
These events will be valuable to SMEs looking to grow their business, who would benefit from focused R&D to develop their ideas and approaches. Come along to learn more about XR Stories, our R&D funding, make new industry and academic connections, and discuss the potential for this funding to contribute to your growth.
For the full story visit: https://www.screenyorkshire.co.uk/funding/xr-stories/
For more information visit https://www.screenyorkshire.co.uk/funding/xr-stories/