Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 11 May 2016
Everyone an Artist - Everyone a Scientist

Have you heard of Fun Palaces?
The Fun Palaces Manifesto
We believe in the genius in everyone, in everyone an artist and everyone a scientist, and that creativity in community can change the world for the better.
We believe we can do this together, locally, with radical fun – and that anyone, anywhere, can make a Fun Palace.
Fun Palaces is both an ongoing campaign for culture by, for and with all, and also an annual weekend of events, where arts and sciences are a vital catalyst for community engagement and full participation for everyone, form the grassroots up.
The 2016 Fun Palaces weekend is on the 1st and 2nd October.
Let's transform places and spaces of Kirklees into palaces of fun!
Follow the link to find out more...
For more information visit http://www.funpalaces.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.funpalaces.co.uk/