Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 14 Jul 2015
Event/Festival organisers using greenfield sites - READ THIS

The Valuation Office is looking to charge business rates on currently exempted greenfield sites. Event/Festival organisers using greenfield sites - THIS COULD AFFECT YOU… so read the article below and complete the survey
The Valuation Office (VO) has moved to start charging business rates for some event sites – and to make matters worse – backdating these charges to 2010. As you can imagine, this backdating can potentially run into tens of thousands for some sites.
Although they have only targeted a few sites so far, the threat now exists for all greenfield sites which are currently exempted for other purposes, such as agricultural land. The charges do not relate just to commercial events, although they have indicated that charitable events may not be targeted. They have also said they will not target very small events but no guidance has been given about the cut-off point and at least one event targeted so far had an audience of around 1000 people.
Action is already being taken by the industry to counter this through lobbying Government as well as arguing the case against rates being charged. And with the new rating review getting underway, we are at least asking for a moratorium until that is completed. It is grossly unfair for the VO to suddenly introduce these charges, let alone backdate the rates in this situation – a view we have been stressing to them since the outset.
However, we need as much information as we can gather in order to fight this battle and it would greatly help us if you could complete the attached questionnaire no later than 16th July. The information we gather will help us to build a case to take to both Government and the VO.
The issue has potentially serious consequences for some events – and for some of those supplying them, so I would urge you to support us by providing the information we need. Please also pass this information on to other organisers who may be affected as the wider the response we get the better the information we will have for the fight.
You will find the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C66DZLL DEADLINE 16th July
Should you have any questions about the above please contact:
Jim Winship - Director
The Event Services Association
Email: jim@tesa.org.uk
For more information visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C66DZLL