Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 07 Sep 2018
Event Coordinator - Saltaire Arts Trail 2019, Saltaire Inspired

Saltaire Inspired are seeking an Event Coordinator for Saltaire Arts Trail 2019, to successfully deliver the event and develop the arts trail’s programme offer and audience in line with Saltaire Inspired’s business objectives.
Details are below:
Saltaire Inspired is an ambitious arts charity, creating quality contemporary arts events in unique settings. We deliver three annual arts events in the World Heritage village of Saltaire, West Yorkshire, and work towards our vision to help Saltaire become internationally recognised centre for the visual arts.
Saltaire Arts Trail is a community arts event held annually on the late May Bank Holiday weekend. It offers an imaginative visual arts programme, celebrating the village’s rich heritage, and offering opportunities to both emerging and established artists. The Arts Trail prides itself in reaching out to new audiences and making art accessible to all by using imaginative venues - the internationally recognised Salts Mill, public buildings, the homes of Saltaire residents and outdoor spaces around Saltaire, to display visual art outside of traditional settings, as well as delivering new exhibitions and commissions. For more information about
the Arts Trail, visit http://www.saltaireinspired.org.uk/saltaire-arts-trail/
Download the application information at www.saltaireinspired.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Event-Coordinator-2018-19-Final.pdf
To Apply:
Send a copy of your CV and covering letter to chair@saltaireinspired.org.uk.
Deadline for applications is midday, Friday 7 September 2018.
First interviews will be held week commencing 17 September 2018. Please identify any dates you are unavailable on your application.
For more information visit http://www.saltaireinspired.org.uk/saltaire-arts-trail
Opportunity Location
Email: team@saltaireinspired.org.uk
Website: http://www.saltaireinspired.org.uk/saltaire-arts-trail