Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 22 Feb 2017
Euroscript Script Development Workshop

Whatever stage you’re at, from an idea that hasn’t even been put onto paper yet, to a draft of a script, bring your work along and receive constructive criticism to help you develop it further.
It works like this: we allocate one tutor to up to six writers. One week before the Workshop you submit your work to be circulated to the other writers and our tutor. You may circulate:
· up to four pages of a treatment typed in single line spacing; or
· up to 30pp of your screenplay (if it isn’t the first 30pp please submit a brief summary, no longer than one page);
· a list of questions you would like the group to think about (optional).
You will receive feedback from the other writers and tutor, and together we’ll create a development plan for you, give you attainable goals for each step, and deadlines to help focus your work.
(Work must be submitted in pdf format only)
The workshop will be delivered by Gabriella Apicella, a freelance writer and tutor who has had several short films screened at Internationally recognised film festivals. She is a Director of Euroscript and Co-Founder of the UnderWire Festival which aims to promote the raw talent of women in the film industry. Gabriella is a module leader at Central Film School London, and a Visiting Lecturer in Screenwriting at Kingston University and Birkbeck College. Most recently, she was selected as a winner of the Directors’ UK Challenge Alexa competition and her feature adaptation of “The Knitting Circle Rapist Annihilation Squad” is currently in development with Twelve Chairs Films.
There are 6 places for this on a first come first served basis. All attendees must have a GFF Industry Focus pass to attend. Open Wednesday 11th January and close when all the places are filled. Please email magda.rotko@glasgowfilm.org if you'd like to take part.
The event is delivered in partnership with Euroscript.
For more information visit http://www.glasgowfilm.org/
Opportunity Location
Email: magda.rotko@glasgowfilm.org
Website: http://www.glasgowfilm.org/