Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 13 Dec 2019
East Street Arts - Project Space Available in Huddersfield

East Street Arts have project space available immediately in Huddersfield.
They are looking for an artist, curator or creative group to use one of our temporary spaces to develop projects in Huddersfield.
They are offering the opportunity to occupy the space for an initial rent-free period of 3 months after which we would introduce a low-cost rental fee, should you wish to continue to use and occupy the space.
Located in the centre of Huddersfield, the property is an ex-retail space, which has large street facing windows and has been emptied of fixtures and fittings.
You will have access to the space, assistance with promoting your programme from East Street Arts, support from the Spaces team and the opportunity to be a part of our wide network of artists and groups across the UK.
You can find out more about projects that have happened in our temporary spaces on the East Street Arts blog:https://eaststreetarts.org.uk/fluxcapacitor/blog
For more information visit https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/free-project-space-available-immediately-in-huddersfield/3944