Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 30 Jun 2021
Dwell Time Special COVID-19 Edition

Open call for art, writing and poetry reflecting on mental wellbeing in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dwell time: The time a train spends at a scheduled stop without moving. Typically, this time is spent boarding or alighting passengers, but it may also be spent waiting for traffic ahead to clear, or idling time in order to get back on schedule.
In these are unprecedented and worrying times, our mental wellbeing and creativity is paramount. Whilst we are confined with limited social interaction, Dwell Time want to offer online space to explore our responses to the pandemic and social isolation. It’s OK to not be OK and anyone who has any artistic reflections about this is welcome to send them for inclusion on our website https://dwelltimepress.wordpress.com/
Email: avavprojects@yahoo.co.uk with your images and/or text in editable format. Please include what name/pseudonym you wish to use or whether you would like your contribution to be anonymous. If you would like a link to your website or blog please also include this.
For more information visit https://dwelltimepress.wordpress.com/