Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 26 Feb 2019
Diversity, Inclusion and Innovation in Kirklees event

Since the arrival of the Windrush Generation (people from around the Commonwealth who were invited to help rebuild Britain after World War II) our communities and businesses have become increasingly diverse, inclusive and innovative. This creative innovation has been a major factor in the UK’s ability to continue to outperform most other major world economies.
Join the Kirklees Windrush Educational Network for an evening of short presentations and discussion with speakers from Cummins and Unite the Union. Topics will include the value (creativity and innovation) of a diverse workforce; projects and partnerships that are giving local young people new opportunities; tackling disparities in pay and supporting a diversity of leaders.
The Kirklees Windrush Educational Network believe that unlocking all of the talent across our diverse community is key to rebuilding our local economy. If you agree, or are just interested in finding out more, then please join us for what we hope will be the first of many similar events.
Please email hugh@hughgoulbourne.com if you are interested in attending or would like more information.
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Email: hugh@hughgoulbourne.com