Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 06 Feb 2019
Digital Knowledge Exchange -Google Analytics & Adwords workshops

Digital Knowledge Exchange has a few free spaces left on 2 half day Google Analytics and Adwords workshop taking place next week. Thursday 7th February at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, Firth Street, Huddersfield, HD1 3BD, with Lunch provided.
You can attend just for the AM or PM session you are interested in, OR you can attend BOTH workshops :)
It's entirely up to you!
Here are the details...
Google Analytics
8:30am - 12:30pm
This half-day workshop has been designed to help you explore, goals, measurement and how to track the right website activity.
The trainer will show you:
• An overview of Google analytics
• How to set it up and access your dashboard
• Understanding key reports and the google analytics Interface
• Google analytics for goals, e-Commerce, and tagging
• Funnels, filters and the search console.
After lunch, we'll move on to Google Adwords
Google Adwords
12:30 - 16:30pm
Gain a practical introduction to Google AdWords and PPC and learn how to set up a campaign, measure the results, stay in control of your budget and refine your campaign to ensure the best return on your investment.
On completion you will be able to:
• Deliver visible results more cost-effectively.
• Drive new business to your website.
If you’d like to attend these workshops, simply email knowledge@digitalenterprise.co.uk letting them know if you'd like to attend both or just one of the sessions.
Please note: As the Digital Knowledge Exchange finishes in March, this will be the only time they will be delivering these workshops. Please don’t miss your opportunity to attend these FREE events.
For more information visit https://www.digitalenterprise.co.uk/